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넥스트 Turn Off The T.V. 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

Turn Off The T.V.\100149\5331\3\0\https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/bglDz0/btrg7XfN4Qq/dpURwGzchu2AKZ1xAuKdEk/img.jpg\jKeZiwOB-_M\


Turn Off The T.V.


작사 신해철 작곡 신해철 편곡 신해철



넥스트 - Turn Off The T.V.


Turn Off The T.V. 가사


TV 20th century's super hero
This is strange machine's
saying hello In your bedroom
you can see the Gulf war
with your little children
people killed by people
Magic square
all the thing are in there
but we can't see
the humanity any where
Turn off the TV find your
mind and mind will find you
now the time has come
Turn it off bring it down
give it out
Turn it off bring it down
give it out
TV you home breaker
you makes the kids
to the prisoner
you're nothing
but a electric grave
I don't wanna be an
idiotic slave
Too strong
to the innocent victims
too weak to money and power
you fool machine idiot box
Please don't say
It's the news time
Turn it off bring it down
give it out
Turn it off bring it down
give it out
뉴욕 서울 동시 패션
유사품에 주의합시다
하루종일 귓전을 때리는 광고
지상의 낙원이란
텔레비전 속인가
세계최고 동양최대
감동의 물결이 밀려온다
온 가족이 모여 앉은
아무말도 필요 없다 TV time
Turn it off bring it down
give it out
Turn it off bring it down
give it out