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샤크라 Amazing Grace 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

Amazing Grace\100068\813\7\0\https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/bplSuP/btrppAxltXI/ueDFsaXs2k1vmV1ja8IBS1/img.jpg\vmP0xIY33yI\
Chakra's Ringing Gingle Bells


Amazing Grace


작사 작곡 편곡



샤크라 - Amazing Grace


Amazing Grace 가사


amazing grace how
sweet the sound
that saved
a wretch like me
I once was lost but
now I am found
was blind but now I see

T was grace that
taught my heart to fear
and grace my fears relieved
how precious did
that grace appear
the hour I first believed
이세상에서 제일 좋은
christmas day
오늘은 사랑하는
너의 happy birthday
1년에 한번 슬프게
나를 울리는 day
내 사랑이 담긴
너의 편지가 오는 day
저 멀리 널 위해 보내는
voice mail
1년을 준비한 사랑의
singer song mail
올해는 들으면기 분이 좋은
amazing gracemail
though many dangers
tils and snares
I have already come
Ts grace have brougt me
safe thus` far
and grace will lead me home

when we`ve been there
ten thousand years
bright shining as the sun
we`ve no less days to
sing god`s praise
than when we first begun
than when we first begun
