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아이원 (IONE) Letter 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

I Don't Love You
아이원 (IONE)


'아이원' [I Don’t Love You] 싱글 발표
'아이원'이 1년3개월만에 새 싱글을 들고 돌아왔다.
세련된 팝스타일의 자작곡 "I Don’t Love You", "Letter" 두 곡을 발표하는 '아이원'은 아이돌 그룹 '스피드' 출신의 뮤지션이다.
타이틀곡 "I Don’t Love You"는 사랑하던 여자친구와의 부득이한 이별 후 그 감정을 합리화 시키는 마음을 표현한 곡으로 헤비하면서 세련된 음악에 매력적인 가성과 멜로디가 돋보이는 팝 발라드이다. '아이원'의 이번 앨범은 싱어송라이터 뮤지션 전문 레이블 DH PLAY 엔터테인먼트와 새롭게 시작하며 발표하는 첫 싱글로 뮤지션으로 거듭나는 아이원의 행보를 기대하게 한다.
01. I Don’t Love You
작사 : 아이원(IONE), COUP D'ETAT, MOOK, 박서용
Mixed by 이청무 @Energema Studio
Mastered by 권남우 @821sound
02. Letter
작사 :아이원(IONE), MOOK, Tommy Strate
Mixed by 마스터키 @821sound
Mastered by 마스터키 @821sound
Producer COUP D’ETAT
Guitar 김건묵
Bass 김윤명 김건묵
Piano 김윤명
Chorus 아이원
Marketing 한소희
Management DHPE
Art work 김소혜



작사 아이원 (IONE), Mook, TOMMY YANG 작곡 아이원 (IONE), COUP D'ETAT, Mook 편곡 COUP D'ETAT, Mook



아이원 (IONE) - Letter


Letter 가사


I feel alone
ever since u slipped away
But I couldn’t hold on
to u it’s over
Am I still dreamin’bout
the same old things
we used to find
Or am I thinkin’bout just u
and I go drifting slow
I should’ve said more than signs
I shouldn’t have said goodbye
U’ve become my shining star
We can only meet in the night
I should’ve said more than signs
I shouldn’t have said goodbye
U’ve became my shining light
So I see you but We cannot touch
But we cannot touch
Keep on ur shining
On to my life
We don’t have to touch
Feelin down ever since
we parted ways
But I’m tryna be
myself over and over
Your smile keeps coming back
and I can’t stop just thinkin bout
U know I’m tryin
my best to keep u out
Inside my head
I should’ve said more than signs
I shouldn’t have said goodbye
U’ve become my shining star
We can only meet in the night
I should’ve said more than signs
I shouldn’t have said goodbye
U’ve became my shining light
So I see you but We cannot touch
But we cannot touch
But we cannot touch
We don’t have to touch
I should’ve said more than signs
I shouldn’t have said goodbye
U’ve become my shining star
We can only meet in the night
I should’ve said more than signs
I shouldn’t have said goodbye
U’ve became my shining light
So I see you but We cannot touch
But we cannot touch
But we cannot touch
We don’t have to touch